Helping your horticulture business spring up this Spring

It's no surprise to anyone now that e-commerce has become an increasingly important channel for businesses to sell their products. This is especially true for horticultural nurseries, as the ability to sell online opens up a whole new market for them to reach customers beyond their local area. The growth, excuse the pun, of gardening and house plants according to a 2019 survey conducted by the Horticultural Trades Association, gardening is the most popular hobby in the UK, with an estimated 27 million adults actively gardening.

Additionally, a study conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society in 2020 found that more than three-quarters of UK adults surveyed (77%) said that gardening had a positive impact on their mental health and well-being.

In this blog, we will explore some of the key considerations for horticultural nurseries in the UK looking to sell online.


One of the challenges faced by horticultural nurseries is the lack of any central networking groups. Many nurseries and growers are independent and not part of any larger groups. However, this can also be an advantage, as it allows for a greater degree of flexibility and autonomy and many believe, gives a more personal service to the customer.

One of the reasons why some growers have set up online is because they prefer plants to people! This is understandable given the nature of their business, but it also highlights the importance of having a strong online presence. A well-designed website with an easy-to-use ecommerce platform can help nurseries to reach a wider audience and sell more products.

‘Lockdown saw a huge interest in houseplants especially succulents! But the immediate need (and cost) to package them correctly for couriers caught us out. We know the demand is still there, if not as high as it once was, so yeah, we know we need to re-address our website and online shop to meet this other market.’

In addition to selling directly to consumers, horticultural nurseries in the UK may also want to target industry specific periphery businesses such as wholesalers, landscape gardeners, and even outdoor living and lifestyle. These businesses can be a valuable source of revenue, especially during times when B 2 C demand is low.

When it comes to choosing an e-commerce platform, it's important to do your research and choose one that meets your specific needs. Some platforms are better suited to small businesses, while others are designed for larger enterprises. You should also consider factors such as ease of use, customer support, and integration with other software tools.

As a horticultural business you may also be interested in exploring other digital marketing strategies such as social media advertising and e-mail marketing. These can be effective ways to reach new customers and keep existing ones engaged with your business.

‘We use a lot of social media such as Instagram but we know we need to look at our website again. It doesn’t reflect us as a business anymore but we just haven’t got the time, or patience, to update it.’

Finally, if you have any further queries about selling online and e-commerce for horticultural nurseries, we would be happy to act as a sounding board for your ideas and questions. Fortunately, having a thriving business from home means you can focus on what you love - growing beautiful plants - while still reaching a wider audience through e-commerce.

In conclusion, horticultural nurseries in the UK have a great opportunity to expand their business by selling online, the demand is there. With the right e-commerce platform, digital marketing strategy, and mindset, these businesses can reach new customers and increase their revenue without sacrificing their love for growing plants.

What our clients say about us:

“Our business is very seasonal, we have two main points in the year for shipping orders. An additional complication is that we are dealing with live products and products with a shelf life. We needed an e-commerce site and would be available to take orders all year and be capable of dealing with seasonal peaks in demand, in orders and in payments and the service from Webselect absolutely does this and the team are great to deal with.”

Chris Ireland-Jones — Owner

Avon Bulbs

To find out more, contact

By calling: 0208 066 1000

Or email us at: [email protected]

To see some happy gardening clients of ours, visit here